Dear Families,

This Handbook has been made to inform you of the curriculum and instructional programs, practices and procedures of all the elementary schools in the South Glens Falls School District.

The handbook addresses many topics and attempts to answer most of your questions. The elementary administration looks forward to working with you and your children to promote a positive and safe school experience. If we can help in any way, please feel free to contact us.


Our Core Values at the South Glens Falls School District are Pride, Respect, Responsibility, Trust, and Citizenship. Students will be expected to demonstrate these core values throughout the school day.

Coming to school and going home you are expected to:

  • Keep a safe distance from the bus, cars, or trucks.

  • Walk on sidewalks staying out of the way of traffic.

  • Walk, not run, to and from the bus.

In your school you are expected to:

  •  Respect the rights and feelings of others by being kind and not hurting others.

  • Use appropriate language in all places including in school, on the playground, and on the bus.

  • Follow the rules and directions of your teacher and other adults who are in charge.

  • Respect the rights of others by being quiet and polite in the hallways.

  • Walk in the halls – no running.

  • Stay in the classroom until excused or dismissed.

  • Keep lunchboxes, pencils, and other items away from walls.

  • Take care not to damage or destroy school property such as desks, chairs, walls, books, or any other items.

  • Use special care when handling equipment in art, music, library and physical education classes.

In school, during assemblies, going out for recess, attending field trips, special events, or in emergency situations, you are expected to:

  • Sit where you are told.

  • Leave the room or area only with permission from an adult.

  • Watch and listen quietly to the performance or speakers.

  • Clap politely to show appreciation.

  • Leave the room or area quietly, following directions of the adults in charge.

In school, during lunch, you are expected to:

  • Remember your table manners.

  • Never throw food or any objects.

  • Talk quietly during lunch.

  • Listen to and follow directions.

  • Clean up after lunch and dispose of your trash properly.

On the playground, you are expected to:

  • Play only in the areas chosen by an adult and be sure an adult is near you at all times whenever outside.

  • Never leave the playground area without permission.

  • Play only safe games.

  • Use playground equipment safely.

  • Report injuries to the adult in charge.

  • Keep your hands to yourself.

  • Use kind language.

  • Say kind things to other children.

  • Show good sportsmanship.


Parental guidance and responsibility are necessary to help children make appropriate choices about their school attire. Students are expected to wear clothing that is appropriate for our school environment and all school activities and does not detract from a positive learning environment.

Students will not wear items that:

  • Are lewd or offensive

  • Constitute a substantial disruption or material interference with the work or discipline of school

  • Constitute a health or safety hazard

  • Otherwise infringe upon the rights of others

Student Rights and Responsibilities are detailed in the complete Student Code of Conduct available from the District Office. Detailed definitions, prohibited conduct, infractions, and disciplinary procedures are also outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. (A copy of the complete Code of Conduct can be found at the District Office and at www.sgfcsd.org.)


We encourage parents/guardians to become involved in the classroom and other school activities. Such involvement really makes a significant difference in our children’s success. There are many opportunities available for you to take an active part in the education of your children. All visitors are expected to adhere to the District’s Code of Conduct for the Maintenance of Order on School Property.

For all of our students’ safety, it is required that all visitors stop at the Main Office upon entering any district building. If a parent enters the school to pick up a child, they must come to the Main Office. The child will be called and dismissed through the Main Office. All visitors must sign in at the office and will receive a visitor’s pass to be clearly displayed. All visitors must sign out at the office.

  • Volunteers are required to sign in at the Main Office and wear a visitor’s tag while in the school.

  • Visitors are welcome as parent volunteers when scheduled, as participants in special activities, and for scheduled appointments.

  • Unannounced visits to classrooms prior to the start of the school day or during the school day to speak with staff cannot be accommodated. Such visits interfere with instruction and planned meetings/activities.

  • Parents are welcome to have lunch with his/her child. Parents are not invited to visit during recess.

  • Items such as lunch, snacks, homework, musical instruments, etc. may be brought to the main office. We will see that your child receives forgotten items. Please label these items.


Pets are not allowed in school unless specifically approved by the classroom teacher and the principal’s office. Most pets will not be allowed to visit due to the large number of students and staff with allergies.


Please monitor local TV and radio stations for the most up to date school closing information. In some cases, the school district will utilize SchoolMessenger. This is a computer automated calling system that will give families information as needed. Additional news regarding cancellation of afternoon/evening activities is also available at www.sgfcsd.org.


It is suggested that parents label coats, sweaters, books, hats, lunch boxes, and other personal items to ensure prompt return to the owner. Items such as wallets and eyeglasses will be kept in a safe location. We encourage each child to check each Lost and Found location if an item is misplaced. Please check with your school about where most lost items are gathered.


The school district is not responsible for lost items. All electronic devices are not allowed to be used during the school day and will be taken to the Main Office. Students should not bring such devices to school.


Ballard Elementary School
Start Time: 8:50 a.m. Dismissal Time: 3:20 p.m.
Half-Day Dismissal Time: 12 p.m.

Harrison Avenue Elementary School
Start Time: 8:10 a.m. Dismissal Time: 2:40 p.m.
Half-Day Dismissal Time: 11:20 a.m.

Moreau Elementary School
Start Time: 8:50 a.m. Dismissal Time: 3:20 p.m.
Half-Day Dismissal Time: 11:55 a.m.

Tanglewood Elementary School
Start Time: 9:00 a.m. Dismissal Time: 3:30 p.m.
Half-Day Dismissal Time: 12:05 p.m.


Children should not be dropped off earlier than 10 minutes prior to the official start time. Adult supervision will not be in place. Children are not allowed to walk unattended in the parking lot. Children must be walked to the crosswalks.


Any student arriving after the official start time of the school day is considered tardy. A note of explanation from the parent will ensure that the proper reason for the tardiness is noted in the student’s official attendance record. State law requires strict accounting of student attendance and punctuality, regardless of cause. Each child must be walked and signed into school if tardy.


If your child is absent, please notify the Nurse’s Office of the reason and expected length of absence. A written note is required immediately upon the student’s return.


Parents are asked to make routine medical appointments outside of school hours. Doctors and dentists have generally cooperated so that students will not lose any valuable instruction time.


When a parent/guardian or other designated adult plans to sign a student out at the end of the day, or when the student will be taking a different bus home, a note requesting this change should be sent to the child’s teacher on the day of this change in routine. The student will be called to the office where the adult will sign him/her out and may be expected to show photo identification.


Family trips scheduled while school is in session are considered unexcused and defined as illegal according to State Education Law. In the event of such an absence, teachers are not required to provide work prior to the trip. It is the parent’s responsibility, working with the teacher, to make certain that any assignments and tests be completed in an agreed amount of time. Please avoid taking family vacations during school days.


Unless there is a court order or custody agreement that specifically says one parent is not allowed to have information about the child, both parents may request and review the child’s record and have copies of records (including report cards).


Kids Korner Program is available for children before and after school. The Kids Korner Program is operated by the Moreau Community Center and offers supervised activities for a reasonable fee. Further information and enrollment details may be obtained by contacting the Director at the Moreau Community Center, 792-6007.


South Glens Falls Central School Food Service phone number: (518) 793-9401.

A lunch menu is sent home with students each month. Breakfast is available each day. The breakfast selection can also be found on the menu and is available to all children after being released from their morning bus.


The district is aware of the need to accommodate students with severe food allergies. Guidelines are available and plans are developed and implemented to meet the individual needs of each student.


The South Glens Falls Central School District uses a computerized pin system that allows parents to deposit money into a child’s account at the school to be used as needed in the cafeteria. While cash can also be used, the pin system offers several advantages:

  • You do not have to send cash to school with your child.

  • You are assured that the money is spent on food at school.

  • You can put a small amount of money into the account to be sure your child has lunch money if he/she forgets lunch.

  • Students may bring cash or check (made out to SGF School Lunch Fund) to the cashier in the cafeteria.

  • The system keeps track of what each student purchases on a daily basis.

  • You can also put money in the account online. The online information is available at here.

  • If the student arrives without money for meals, the student will be served but a note will be sent home. The cook/manager will attempt to call a parent/guardian, and/or reminder letters will be mailed requesting payment. If appropriate, a free and reduced application will be sent home.

  • If delinquency continues in an account, the cook/manager will contact the District Food Service Director. The school principal or designee will also be informed in order to remedy the situation. A basic lunch will be provided.


A registration form and an emergency card are sent home at the beginning of the school year for each student. Please be sure that emergency contact information is accurate, up to date, and that people know you have included them on your cards. If any changes occur during the school year, please inform the office so the card can be kept up to date.


  • Report Cards/Progress Reports – Students in grades K-5 receive three report cards/progress reports during the school year. Elementary report card dates are listed on the district calendar, occurring during the months of December, March, and June.

  • Conferences – Half-day parent/teacher conference days are scheduled for early November to discuss students’ progress. These conference days are set up so teachers have the chance to speak with parents one on one. Parents are strongly encouraged to make childcare arrangements as young children can be disruptive to conferences being held throughout the building.


  • Parents may request additional meetings at any time during the school year by contacting the school.


Open House is held by each elementary school early in the fall, during which many aspects of the school year are presented to parents. Check the district calendar for specific information on your elementary school.

Ballard: Sept. 14, 6:30 p.m.
Tanglewood: Sept. 19, 6:30 p.m.
Harrison Avenue: Sept. 20, 6:30 p.m.
Moreau: Sept. 25, 6:30 p.m.


The elementary school health office is responsible for the physical well-being of your child while at school. You will be called by the nurse if your child has a significant injury as best determined by the nurse. All students entering school must have the required immunizations. If they do not have them, they must receive them within a reasonable length of time or they may be excluded from school.


School physical examinations are required when children enter Kindergarten and again in grades 2, 4, 7, and 10. All students new to the district must have a physical exam. Physical examinations may be performed within twelve months of the start of the school year. If you do not have a physician, your child will be examined by the school physician during the school year. For your convenience, South Glens Falls Central School District health forms are available on the website www.sgfcsd.org and clicking on the link FORMS.


The school nurse cannot legally diagnose, prescribe, or treat health conditions. If it is necessary for a child to receive medication during school hours, parents must follow the procedures below:

  • Submit a written statement from your physician specifying diagnosis, medication (possible side effects), dosage, frequency, and the time for administering this medication.

  • Submit a written request indicating that the school nurse may administer the medication as ordered.

  • Provide the medication in the original container that clearly indicates date, name of child and physician, name of medication, dosage, and frequency.

  • Bring medication to the health office. Please do not send to school via the student riding the bus. It is against state law for any student to carry any medication without a direct physician’s order.


For questions regarding administering of medications during field trips, please call your school’s health office.


The only excuse for not attending and/or participation in physical education (P.E.) is a medical excuse signed by a physician. A student may not be excused from more than one P.E. class without a medical excuse signed by a physician.


The Transportation office can be reached at (518) 793-4443. The district buses transport most of the children attending the district elementary schools.

The following are some rules set up by the school district to ensure their safety:

  • Students must ride the bus assigned and are not to leave it until the proper stop has been reached.

  • The only permissible reason for a bus transfer is for the purpose of child care (within the respective elementary school zone). If this is a long-term change, a completed form is required. If it is a short-term change, a note from the parent advising the school is necessary.

  • If the driver determines that the child is not representing the district’s “Bulldog Pride” Core Values, the driver may refer the student to the principal for possible corrective action.

Please note, when a school bus is parked in front of any school unloading or loading students with its red flashing lights on, there IS TO BE NO THROUGH TRAFFIC. If you wish to visit the school at these times for any purpose, you should park in the parking areas provided.

If you are dropping your child off or picking him/her up from school during the above times, please remember to use the drop-off areas.

Activity buses are provided Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday for students who stay after school.


A copy of the complete Code of Conduct can be found at the District Office and www.sgfcsd.org.

Violations of this behavior code and/or the Core Values of “Bulldog Pride” may result in a variety of potential consequences. Please explain the potential consequences listed below to your child so that he/she will be aware of what could result from misconduct.

  • Students will demonstrate respect for themselves, others, and property.

  • Students will comply with the behavioral expectations of the adults who work with them and supervise their school day activities.

  • Verbal warning for inappropriate behavior: Each teacher will decide how many verbal warnings will be allowed (depending on grade level and the severity of the offense).

  • Suspension from school: In these instances, when a child is excluded from school a meeting will be held with the principal, teacher, parent, and student regarding the suspension. This is a very serious matter. District policy regarding the suspension of students and notification procedures shall be followed.

  • Cafeteria: The principal’s actions will range from a conference with the student to separation from the cafeteria for a time period determined by the principal.

  • School Bus: The principal’s actions will range from a conference with the student to the loss of bus privileges for a time period determined by the principal or the District’s Director of Transportation.


For successful student academic progress, it is very important for all students to be present and on time for school. Please make every effort for your children to arrive at school on time and to make any necessary appointments outside the school day.